Thursday, March 17, 2022

March 2022 Gardening Journal

Thursday, March 17, 2022

And we did get more snow...



With the temperature hovering right around freezing, the snow didn't stick on the roads this time, and although we probably got around 2" total, a lot of it melted before nightfall.  The sun was out on Saturday, and most of the snow was gone by that afternoon.  

The skies got cloudy again early in the week, and it just seemed chilly outside.  But mid-week the sun came back out, the temperatures warmed back up, and it really is feeling a lot more like spring.

Radishes are coming up in the little raised bed, and I set out a few lettuce plants and the few little onions that survived from January in between them.  Unfortunately, the rabbits found them last night, and one of the onions has been nibbled off.  So this afternoon I put up a wire hoop over the bed to try to protect things.  Hoop is made of some old 2" x 4" welded wire that was left over from some project I did long, long ago.  Hope the rabbits aren't able to get through openings that size.

RAF has helped me work on the raised beds that I decided to build around the cellar.  Although they're not perfect, I'm pleased with how it's turned out so far, and just hope that my strawberry plants will do well in the top bed.  

Two levels completed, then rain moved in.  I've since added boards for the bottom level, and have started working up the dirt getting the beds ready for planting.



Thursday, March 10, 2022

In the past couple of weeks, I've been pretty busy trying to get some seeds started, and pricking out and potting up some of the ones that had already sprouted.

We're in for a couple more pretty cold days, with more snow. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The last week of February was just miserable.  But I think spring is trying to win out, and my gloomy-doomy mood is somewhat better because of that.