Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 12, 2023 Gardening Journal

Spring is trying.

Signs of spring...forsythia, red maple and daffodils.

 But don't be's not here yet.

I think the only thing I really need to worry about is the asparagus, but I will probably put an old sheet over the strawberries just in case.

In spite of the forecast for freezing temperatures, I went ahead and set out the brassicas this morning. They looked like they really needed to be set out too.

The broccoli had good roots, and might have even been getting a bit cramped in the little six-pack.

Those plants should all be fine in the cold, and especially since they're under the row cover.  That is assuming that Tangie will leave things alone....

Tangie checking out the row cover.  "What is this?" and "Can I get in there?"

I got a good chuckle out of little Mo.  Apparently the ground was cold, so maybe sitting up on the Hugelkulture bed was warmer?

The rest of the day was spent working on some miscellaneous projects.  I moved four of the small Carolina Buckthorn (Frangula caroliniana) plants out of the six-pack into their own container (repurposed plastic coffee containers!).  I then moved two others into the now empty six-pack cells, so that only leaves 11 more that need to be separated out into their own pot.

Carolina Buckthorn seedlings.

Next, with RAF's help, I finished moving the old railroad tie and the section of electrical pole out of the field to the east garden bed.  My hope is that by putting ends on the bed, I'll be better able to fight the Bermuda grass that inevitably tries to invade the growing space.

East garden bed, now with ends on the north and the south.

And finally, I visited with my mom and dad for a while.  It was nice to just sit and talk and laugh with them since I haven't been over there in a good while.

Before I left their house, I loaded up some of the cardboard feed boxes and a few shipping boxes.  I'll start putting these out next week to make walking rows for the west garden, and to make a place to plant some no-dig potatoes.