Thursday, November 10, 2022

November 10, 2022 Gardening Journal

A while back, I removed the cage from my largest American Hazelnut tree (Corylus americana) thinking that since we hadn't had any issues with deer since putting up part of our new fence, it could be "free."  It had one main shoot that is about 3' tall, and two small shoots that had put up late this summer after the rain returned.  They were about 8" and 12" tall.

One of two American Hazelnut trees (Corylus americana) that I ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Night before last the rabbits ate the two new shoots that had come up, but thankfully left the main shoot.  I put the cage back around the little tree, so once again, it's obscured from view by the wire.

The second, much smaller tree had struggled to get going. I actually thought it was dead.  But it finally put up one shoot, and over the summer, with lots of babying (water, mulch and shade) it had grown to about 18" tall.

I didn't have another cage for it, but in hindsight, I should have tried to find something.  Last night, the rabbits ate it, leaving only about 1" of stem.  I think (hope) it will put back out in the spring, but <insert swearwords here> that made me so mad!!!

And I was even more angry when I saw the little Eastern Redbud tree (Cercis canadensis) I had transplanted from the garden into the back yard last week.  It was about 12" tall.  Now it's a 4" stub.

I don't think there's any way we can reinforce the new fence in such a way that we could keep the rabbits out.  So I think my best bet is going to be to get some of the 1" x 2" welded wire and build cages...lots of cages.