Monday, November 7, 2022

November 7, 2022 Gardening Journal

Well, the rabbits are doing it to me again.  My snow peas looked so pretty yesterday when I walked Mo around the yard.  Today there is only about 4" of stem left on every one of them.

They've done the same thing to my sugar snap peas, and have started in on the Kale.  

The plants are all "protected" by 2" x 4" welded wire cages and/or chicken wire.  Didn't matter.  

If the rabbits ate the plants they destroy, that wouldn't be so bad. But they don't eat them.  They just chew the pea stems in two and let the top drop to the ground.  The kale leaves are just left lying on the ground around the plants.

So it looks like I'm going to have to buy some wire like that which is around the dogwood tree.  It's 1" x 2" welded wire so they can't get through that.  They're NOT going to win, dang it all!

Regarding the cuttings.  I not sure many, if any, of them are going to make it.  They're already getting covered with mold.  The only exception might be the fig cuttings.  So far they still look Ok.  I went ahead and took the newest cuttings out of their plastic bags.  That is just a perfect environment for mold.  

So maybe I'm just being a pessimist today, but the cutting experiment that I was so excited about looks like yet another failure.  Maybe in January I'll post all happy saying how every one of the little twigs has developed roots.  But I doubt it.