Sunday, November 6, 2022

When you lose sight of what matters....

I went for a walk yesterday with my little dog Mo.  He bounced on through the field ahead of me, and scared some blue birds that were in the grass.  I watched as they flew off to the trees...all except for one.  He veered off to the north, then turned back toward the tree, headed straight for me.  Instinctively, I pulled back, thinking I was about to be hit.  

But he didn't crash into me.  Instead, he landed on my hand.

I'm not sure who was more surprised.  Our eyes locked together.  I wonder what was going through his mind.  I was marveling at the intense blue of his feathers and the intricate pattern they made across his brow and down his wings.  The feeling was something I can't describe.  Maybe it was joy?  

I know it couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds.  I heard myself exclaim out loud, "Oh! You are so beautiful!" My coarse sounding voice broke the spell.  He launched himself off my hand to join his little flock in the nearby tree.

Male Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis), observed on March 29, 2015.